Automobile Villeneuve Amqui | About Us

Automobile Villeneuve Amqui offers a range of automotive products and services to customers in the Amqui area. With new or used Ford vehicles, we know that anyone looking for a vehicle near Amqui will find what they need at our dealership. We stock a wide range of Ford brand vehicles which makes us your number one choice as a dealership for the city of Amqui.

Our services include the repair of Ford brand vehicles with original Ford brand vehicle parts and in-house financing to better help our customers get their dream car.

Call Automobile Villeneuve Amqui or come visit us in person in Amqui. We provide you with convenient services and look forward to helping you with automotive advice.

Contact us

Automobile Villeneuve Amqui

408 Route 132 Ouest
QC, G5J 2G6
  • Hours: Sales
  • Hours: Service & Parts
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